Maximize Your Gaming: How to Stop Minecraft from Minimizing When Using a Second Screen

How to Stop Minecraft from Minimizing When Using a Second Screen

Having a dual-monitor setup is a game-changer for productivity, multitasking, and of course, gaming. However, when playing Minecraft, you might encounter an issue where the game minimizes every time you interact with your second screen. This article will guide you on how to prevent Minecraft from minimizing while using a second screen, allowing you to enjoy seamless gaming and multitasking experiences.

Setting Up Your Dual Monitor

Before diving into the Minecraft-specific settings, make sure your dual-monitor setup is correctly configured on your operating system, whether you’re using Windows or macOS.

Windows Configuration

  1. Right-click on your desktop and select “Display settings.”
  2. Scroll down to the “Multiple displays” section.
  3. Click on “Extend these displays” in the drop-down menu and apply the changes.

macOS Configuration

  1. Open “System Preferences” and select “Displays.”
  2. Navigate to the “Arrangement” tab.
  3. Check the “Mirror Displays” box if you want your second screen to show the same content as your primary screen. Uncheck the box if you want to extend your desktop across both screens.Setting Up Your Dual Monitor

Preventing Minecraft from Minimizing on Second Screen

Several methods can help prevent Minecraft from minimizing when you interact with your second screen. These include using borderless windowed mode, full-screen mode, and adjusting display settings.

Borderless Windowed Mode

Running Minecraft in borderless windowed mode allows you to switch between the game and other applications on your second screen seamlessly, without the game minimizing. To enable borderless windowed mode, follow these steps:

  1. Launch Minecraft and open the “Options” menu.
  2. Click on “Video Settings.”
  3. Set “Fullscreen” to “Off.”
  4. Adjust the game window size to fill your primary screen.


Full-Screen Mode

Some players have reported that running Minecraft in full-screen mode prevents the game from minimizing when using a second screen. To enable full-screen mode:

  1. Launch Minecraft and open the “Options” menu.
  2. Click on “Video Settings.”
  3. Set “Fullscreen” to “On.”

Display Settings

Adjusting your display settings can also help prevent Minecraft from minimizing. Make sure that the game’s resolution matches your primary screen’s resolution. To do this:

  1. Launch Minecraft and open the “Options” menu.
  2. Click on “Video Settings.”
  3. Set the “Resolution” to match your primary screen’s resolution.

Multi-tasking in Minecraft

Once you’ve set up your dual-monitor configuration and prevented Minecraft from minimizing, you can take advantage of multi-tasking features in your operating system.

Game Bar on Windows

The Game Bar on Windows 10 and later provides a convenient way to access various gaming features, such as screen recording, broadcasting, and more. To use the Game Bar while playing Minecraft:

  1. Press the Windows key + G to open the Game Bar.
  2. Interact with the various widgets available, such as screen recording, performance monitoring, or volume controls.

Mission Control on macOS

Mission Control on macOS allows you to manage multiple windows and applications across your dual-monitor setup efficiently. To use Mission Control while playing Minecraft:

  1. Press the F3 key (or the Mission Control key on some Mac keyboards) to open Mission Control.
  2. Drag and drop windows between your screens or create new desktop spaces for better organization.

Now that you have your dual-monitor setup running smoothly with Minecraft, here are some extra tips to optimize your experience.

Optimal Display Resolution

Ensure that both your screens have the optimal display resolution for better visuals and performance. In Windows, you can adjust the display resolution in the “Display settings” menu, while on macOS, you can find it under “System Preferences” > “Displays.”

Managing Performance

Running Minecraft on a dual-monitor setup can affect the performance of your computer, especially if you have other resource-intensive applications open on your second screen. To optimize performance, consider closing unnecessary programs or adjusting Minecraft’s video settings, such as lowering render distance, turning off fancy graphics, and disabling smooth lighting.

Multi-tasking in Minecraft


Using a second screen while playing Minecraft can enhance your gaming experience by allowing you to multitask and improve productivity. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can prevent Minecraft from minimizing when using a second screen, ensuring seamless gameplay and interaction with other applications. Enjoy your enhanced gaming experience with a dual-monitor setup!


  1. Why does Minecraft keep minimizing when I click on my second screen?
    Minecraft may minimize when you click on your second screen due to its default settings. Adjusting the game’s display settings, such as running it in borderless windowed mode or full-screen mode, can help prevent this issue.
  1. Can I play Minecraft on one screen and watch videos on the other?
    Yes, with a dual-monitor setup, you can play Minecraft on one screen and watch videos or perform other tasks on the second screen.
  1. Will running Minecraft on a dual-monitor setup affect my computer’s performance?
    Using a second screen while playing Minecraft may affect your computer’s performance, especially if you have other resource-intensive applications open. To optimize performance, consider closing unnecessary programs or adjusting Minecraft’s video settings.
  1. Can I use a second screen with Minecraft on a laptop?
    Yes, you can connect an external monitor to your laptop and use it as a second screen while playing Minecraft. Make sure to configure your display settings correctly on your operating system.
  1. Is it possible to play Minecraft across two screens?
    Minecraft does not natively support spanning the game across two screens. However, you can use third-party applications or workarounds to achieve this, although the experience may not be optimal due to the game window being split across the screens.


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