Minecraft Windowed: A Comprehensive Guide

minecraft windowed

If you’re a Minecraft enthusiast, you probably know how important it is to have a smooth and enjoyable gameplay experience. One way to enhance your Minecraft gameplay is by playing in windowed mode. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at windowed mode in Minecraft and provide you with everything you need to know to get started.

What is Minecraft Windowed Mode?

Minecraft windowed mode is a display option that allows you to play the game in a resizable window on your desktop. Unlike full-screen mode, which takes over your entire screen, windowed mode allows you to multitask while playing the game. You can adjust the size of the window and move it around your screen as needed.

What is Minecraft Windowed Mode?

How to Play Minecraft in Windowed Mode

Playing Minecraft in windowed mode is easy. Here’s a step-by-step guide to get started:

Step 1: Launch Minecraft

Launch Minecraft from your desktop or through your game launcher.

Step 2: Open Settings

Once you’re in the Minecraft game menu, click on “Options.”

Step 3: Change Video Settings

Under “Video Settings,” click on “Fullscreen.” From there, select “Off” to enable windowed mode.

Step 4: Adjust Window Size

You can adjust the size of the Minecraft window by clicking and dragging the edges of the window.

Step 5: Start Playing

Once you’ve adjusted the size of the window, you can start playing Minecraft in windowed mode.


Benefits of Minecraft Windowed Mode

Playing Minecraft in windowed mode offers several benefits:

Benefit 1: Multitasking

One of the biggest advantages of playing Minecraft in windowed mode is the ability to multitask. You can work on other projects or browse the web while still keeping an eye on your Minecraft game.

Benefit 2: Better Performance

Playing Minecraft in windowed mode can also improve your computer’s performance. Since your computer isn’t rendering the game in full-screen mode, it can allocate more resources to other programs.

Benefit 3: Easy Switching

Switching between Minecraft and other programs is also easier when playing in windowed mode. You can simply click on the other program’s window to bring it to the front.

Tips for Playing Minecraft in Windowed Mode

Here are a few tips to enhance your Minecraft windowed mode experience:

Tip 1: Adjust Window Size

Make sure to adjust the size of your Minecraft window to your liking. You can do this by clicking and dragging the edges of the window.

Tip 2: Use Borderless Windowed Mode

If you don’t want a border around your Minecraft window, use borderless windowed mode. This option can be found in the video settings menu.

Tip 3: Use Multiple Monitors

Playing Minecraft in windowed mode is even better when using multiple monitors. You can have Minecraft running on one monitor while working on another.

Tips for Playing Minecraft in Windowed Mode

Common Mode Issues

Like any technology, Minecraft windowed mode can come with a few issues. Here are a few common issues and how to fix them:

Issue 1: Windowed Mode is Stuck

If your Minecraft window is stuck and won’t move, try restarting the game. If that doesn’t work, try restarting your computer.

Issue 2: Black Screen

If your Minecraft window is black, try changing your computer’s resolution. This can usually be done in the display settings.

Issue 3: Frame Rate Drops

If you experience frame rate drops while playing Minecraft in windowed mode, try lowering your game’s graphics settings. You can also try closing other programs to free up resources.


Playing Minecraft in windowed mode is a great way to enhance your gaming experience. Whether you want to multitask while playing or improve your computer’s performance, windowed mode is the way to go. With these tips and tricks, you’ll be playing Minecraft in windowed mode like a pro in no time.


  1. Can I switch back to full-screen mode while playing in windowed mode?
    Yes, you can switch back to full-screen mode by going back to the video settings menu and selecting “On.”
  2. Will playing Minecraft in windowed mode affect my game’s performance?
    Playing in windowed mode can actually improve your computer’s performance by allocating resources to other programs.
  3. Can I play Minecraft in windowed mode on a Mac?
    Yes, you can play Minecraft in windowed mode on a Mac by following the same steps as on a PC.
  4. Can I change the size of the Minecraft window after I’ve started playing?
    Yes, you can adjust the size of the window by clicking and dragging the edges.
  5. Can I use mods in Minecraft windowed mode?
    Yes, you can use mods in Minecraft windowed mode just like in full-screen mode. However, keep in mind that some mods may affect the performance of your game.

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